Wednesday Things


  1. I have recently discovered that Häagen-Dazs has the best ice cream. I’m not usually a fan of strawberry, but theirs tastes just like strawberries and cream with real fruit! And their White Chocolate Raspberry flavor?  YUM.
  2. I just love the Thought Catalog. Especially because a significant portion of their articles are lists and I have a short attention span and lists are optimal. I especially enjoyed this list this week.
  3. I’m a busy, busy girl. Especially with all this singing back in my life! I have lots of rehearsals and performances with Chorale, and I took up a (PAID!) singing gig for a Jewish Temple. I’m miraculously free for all the performance dates and I’ve never been paid to sing before, so I’m extra excited for some cash for Christmas presents!
  4. My man got a PS4, and I’m loving it. He can stream anything while he plays it, so I can watch him play through single-player games for the story even when we can’t see each other that day. It’s pretty cool.
  5. This ending week or two of November really snuck up on me. Thanksgiving is next week? I have two performances this weekend? BLACK FRIDAY??? Not even to mention the end of the semester! Things are all wrapping up and getting exciting and I love the holidays.
  6. I’ll say it again: I love the holidays. I get to give my favorite people awesome things! And eat a ton of yummy food! What could be better? (What could be better would be working for a company that believes in family and common decency and doesn’t make me wait tables on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day).
  7. December 1st means kicking my butt into gear. I just ordered my upgrade to the FitBit Force, and even though it’s on back-order and I won’t get it till the 20th, I really need to give any sort of New Year’s Resolution of getting back into being super healthy a head start.
  8. I love subscription boxes. I currently get Birchbox and BeautyArmy, but I’m planning to drop one of those to sign up for the POPsugar Must Have box instead. I love how Beauty Army lets me decide to skip a month if I don’t like the samples I’m given to choose from. This month’s Birchbox was really disappointing. Seriously. I got a CC cream that’s too dark for me (I haven’t received a sample of face makeup that’s actually light enough for me from them yet), a sample shampoo and conditioner, a face highlighter pen that’s too dark to actually highlight anything on me, and a teeny tiny chocolate and coconut covered pretzel that I’m allergic to (and also don’t like coconut). I keep wanting to quit Birchbox, but their samples aren’t usually as disappointing as this month’s, and their points system is awesome (straight-up cash for reviews? Awesome! This is something I really wish Beauty Army would implement as well.).

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Things

  1. I got my first Influenster box and it was aweeeeeesome and free! I’ve been considering some sort of delivery type thing though because I love mail and also things.

    • Although it’s a little pricey, from the extensive research I’ve done, the POPsugar must have box is one of the best value boxes out there for women. I also had problems deciding between Wantable’s accesory or intimates box (not exlusively lengerie! You can get shorts, tanks, shapewear, tights, leggings, etc!!) and also numerous food, clothing, and home-y boxes, and the POPsugar box had a little bit of everything.

      I haven’t heard of Influenster, and how did you get it free?

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