Wednesday Things



  1. Obviously, I couldn’t start this week’s Wednesday Things with anything other than the announcement that I’m ENGAGED!! A whole post dedicated to the details will be posted sometime this weekend. 
  2. The semester is just about officially over. I’m so excited — especially now that I have a definite real thing to dedicate my time to!
  3. I really just have to clean my room. It’s… such a mess. How does this happen? Dude, I just cleaned it last week. I like to think that I’m not the only person who has this problem, but I might be. All of the boxes and shipments from my online shopping for Black Friday and Christmas do not help.
  4. Speaking of which! I know I missed posting Wednesday Things last week, but last Wednesday was my Thanksgiving, so I was busy with the cooking and the being a family thing. Wednesday was my Thanksgiving because Thanksgiving I had to work!
  5. This weekend is my best friend’s senior piano recital in Pennsylvania. I’m totally stoked. I’m leaving tomorrow to see her (and celebrate each other!) and she is the best ever and I know it will be amazing.
  6. My favorite podcast gave out a code for a free book on tape from Audible, and I’m telling you that I do not know why I never got into Audible sooner! It’s perfect for how much I drive. No, really, I drive a LOT. I was shocked when I found out that the national average for miles put on a vehicle in a year was 10,000. Uhhhmm, I’ve put on more than twice that in 6 months. I drive quadruple the amount as the national average. This being said, I’ve been flying through books. In the last two weeks, I’ve gone through three. I’m very sad that I can’t like, highlight quote or phrases, but I know if I let just that be an excuse for not letting myself listen to books, I’ll never have the time to sit still and read them. Like I said – I’m a busy girl. School, work, wedding planning, social life… Driving is the only time I sit still if I have to, and I am thrilled to be loving audio books!
  7. I totally just found out that the next John Green book I want to read is only about 8 hours long. My trip to Pennsylvania this weekend is 5 hours long just to get there. I will be done with this book and started on a new one by the time I get back. Ah-mazing.
  8. I’m still loving my subscription boxes! I accidentally missed my selection window for Beauty Army somehow (upsetting) and so I’m stuck with the surprise of whatever they picked for me. I also get Birchbox, and will be getting my first trials of Wantable and POPsugar. I’m so excited. I’m getting myself all the presents this December!

Wednesday Things


  1. I have recently discovered that Häagen-Dazs has the best ice cream. I’m not usually a fan of strawberry, but theirs tastes just like strawberries and cream with real fruit! And their White Chocolate Raspberry flavor?  YUM.
  2. I just love the Thought Catalog. Especially because a significant portion of their articles are lists and I have a short attention span and lists are optimal. I especially enjoyed this list this week.
  3. I’m a busy, busy girl. Especially with all this singing back in my life! I have lots of rehearsals and performances with Chorale, and I took up a (PAID!) singing gig for a Jewish Temple. I’m miraculously free for all the performance dates and I’ve never been paid to sing before, so I’m extra excited for some cash for Christmas presents!
  4. My man got a PS4, and I’m loving it. He can stream anything while he plays it, so I can watch him play through single-player games for the story even when we can’t see each other that day. It’s pretty cool.
  5. This ending week or two of November really snuck up on me. Thanksgiving is next week? I have two performances this weekend? BLACK FRIDAY??? Not even to mention the end of the semester! Things are all wrapping up and getting exciting and I love the holidays.
  6. I’ll say it again: I love the holidays. I get to give my favorite people awesome things! And eat a ton of yummy food! What could be better? (What could be better would be working for a company that believes in family and common decency and doesn’t make me wait tables on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day).
  7. December 1st means kicking my butt into gear. I just ordered my upgrade to the FitBit Force, and even though it’s on back-order and I won’t get it till the 20th, I really need to give any sort of New Year’s Resolution of getting back into being super healthy a head start.
  8. I love subscription boxes. I currently get Birchbox and BeautyArmy, but I’m planning to drop one of those to sign up for the POPsugar Must Have box instead. I love how Beauty Army lets me decide to skip a month if I don’t like the samples I’m given to choose from. This month’s Birchbox was really disappointing. Seriously. I got a CC cream that’s too dark for me (I haven’t received a sample of face makeup that’s actually light enough for me from them yet), a sample shampoo and conditioner, a face highlighter pen that’s too dark to actually highlight anything on me, and a teeny tiny chocolate and coconut covered pretzel that I’m allergic to (and also don’t like coconut). I keep wanting to quit Birchbox, but their samples aren’t usually as disappointing as this month’s, and their points system is awesome (straight-up cash for reviews? Awesome! This is something I really wish Beauty Army would implement as well.).

Wednesday Things

  1. I know you’ve heard this a million times this week, but it snowed this week! Like, a real snow that stuck around till morning and everything! It’s gone now, but it means that I have a lot of stuff to start getting productive with.
  2. Speaking of, I have like, three weeks left of this semester. I just can’t believe it’s already halfway through my senior year. I just started! I’m terrified of next semester because it will be my LAST semester before I graduate! Part of me does and part of me doesn’t want next semester to go by as quickly as this one has.
  3. I have a problem. A couple weeks ago, I ran out of shampoo, so I stopped at the drugstore and picked up a bottle. The next morning, in the shower, I realized it was conditioner. Awful morning. So I stole some of my mom’s for a day or two and then went and got another bottle of shampooBut it was conditioner too. I have no idea how or why this keeps happening. I even double check the bottle before I buy it. LITERALLY yesterday, I bought some matching set of shampoo and conditioner, and this morning I realized THEY WERE BOTH CONDITIONER. I am completely dumbfounded. I have no idea how or why this keeps happening or what I did to put off the shampoo gods, but I now have a corner of shame in my shower with four or five bottles of conditioner on it.
  4. So I went to an informational meeting about the Masters of Public Health program at my university, and somehow, for some reason, I’m actually really excited about it.
  5. I beat Pokemon X! I defeated the Elite Four and the Pokemon Champion. I’m basically just saying this to you because I’m really excited about it myself.
  6. There’s a girl in my degree program at school that I am just loving being partnered up with. She’s great. Plus, I know she and I are going to stay pretty good friends because she perfectly aligns to my curse. Yep, I have a curse. It’s where I get to be good friends with a girl and then she moves really far away. This one is going away soon to wherever her boyfriend wants to do grad school. This is a real issue. Any of my best friends have moved at least 450 miles away from me, including Kaylee, who I just met last year. She’s in Pittsburgh now. Sigh.
  7. I love subscription boxes. I currently get both Beauty Army and Birchbox monthly subscriptions. But I also just signed up for this, which I am more than excited to start getting (I have to wait until December for my first box! Ahhh!). This came about because I kept finding new boxes I wanted, from accessories, to clothes, to jewelry, to exercise stuff, to food, etc. I just couldn’t handle it (and neither could my wallet). But this POPsugar Must Have box has a little bit of absolutely everything. They’ve only been around for 15 months ish, and I may or may not have gone through what was in every single box they’ve done so far and I wanted all of it. I’m stoked.
  8. I finally reformatted my computer! It was being slow and the hard drive was full and my libraries were tragically corrupted and I’m sure I just had a ton of stuff bogging it down, so I got it reformatted. The problem now is that I forgot about reinstalling Microsoft Office and today was going to be my productive schoolwork day, but since I don’t even have Word or PowerPoint, I can’t (I’m obviously just so very upset abut this). Oh, well. I guess I’ll just have to have some me time instead!
  9. One last thing – one of my teachers just cancelled class tomorrow. It’s the only class I have on Thursdays so I get a whole day free! Yay! The latter half will probably be spent waiting in the cold with my guy for the PS4 release, but I’m sure we can still make it a fun time. =]
